I feel like I am losing control of my gambling behavior. How can I get back control?

At Circus, we think that gambling should above all remain fun and entertaining.


If you think you are addicted to gambling, you can ask to be banned from gambling, temporarily or permanently, by contacting the Belgian Gaming Commission or by sending them a voluntary exclusion request. It will then be impossible to access gambling on our online gaming and betting website, as well as on all the legal Belgian websites, in casinos and in physical gaming halls.


Furthermore, if you think you might be addicted to gambling, if you have questions or if you would like to talk about this problem, you can call SOS JEUX on 0800 35 777. This number is free and available 24/7. To get information about responsible gaming, you can also consult the Gaming Clinic website.


To get more information, don’t hesitate to go to our Responsible gaming page or check out the official leaflet from the Belgian Gaming Commission (PDF). And don't forget that the Belgian Gaming Commission protects all players.

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