How can I earn COINS?

It’s easy: by betting! Circus Sport automatically increases the payout rate of your bets in the form of COINS, which you can then swap for cash.


In online sports betting, you receive 1 COIN each time you bet from €1 to €10, depending on the type of bet and the odds. You can place a prematch, live, single or combination bet. Whatever your favorite is!


Minimum stake to earn 1 COIN




Between 1.40 and 1.80

€10 (extra payout of 0.1%)

€4 (extra payout of 0.25%)

Between 1.81 and 3.00

€7 (extra payout of 0.14%)

€3 (extra payout of 0.33%)

Between 3.01 and 7.50

€3 (extra payout of 0.33%)

€2 (extra payout of 0.5%)

More than 7.51

€1.50 (extra payout of 0.66%)

€1 (extra payout of 1%)


Please Note: horse betting does not generate points/coins.

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